

Month: December 2013

  • 2013 – A Year In Review

    2013 was a good year for the Shoo family. Sarah and I ran a half marathon. My first. Her 2nd. Note: This is from a 10k. When you’re tired and sweaty, you forget to take group photos. And then Sarah kept running. And running. And running. Still running. We had an epic vacation to Kauai,…

  • Ice

    From the snow/ice storm that passed by a couple of weeks before Xmas.

  • Before the broken leg

    Before Grayson and I toppled over the front steps we made it out this weekend to Pasfield for a couple runs down the small hill. He loved most of it. Not a fan of going up the hill, but loved going down. Love it even more when mom and dad had a snow ball fight.

  • Blessed.

    We’re blessed every day, but this weekend a little more than usual. Blessed that the dog broke his toenail cleanly off and only required an antibiotic and some time away from licking his paw. Blessed that when I was holding Grayson and I slipped off the icy front porch that we weren’t seriously hurt. We…